
How to be confident

 How to be confident  Confidence  is the feeling of  belief  or  trust  that a person or thing is reliable. And  Self-confidence  is trust in oneself. Self-confidence involves a positive belief that one can generally accomplish what one wishes to do in the future.  Self-confidence is not the same as  self-esteem , which is an evaluation of one's worth. Self-confidence is related to  self-efficacy —belief in one's ability to accomplish a specific task or goal.  cognitive component help us to be more confident. What helped me was being in music industry and singing in front of people or fitness instructing study and teaching other people how to exercise in a gym.  psychologists have found self-confidence to be correlated with other psychological variables including saving money,  influencing others,  and being a responsible student.  Self-confidence affects interest, enthusiasm, and self-regulation.  Self-confidence is important for accomplishing goals and improving performance. 

What is self improvement?

 What is self improvement or personal development? Personal development  or  self-improvement  consists of activities that develop a person's capabilities and potential, build  human capital , facilitate  employability , enhance  quality of life , and facilitate the realization of dreams and aspirations.  Personal development may take place over the course of an individual's entire lifespan and is not limited to one stage of a person's life. It can include official and informal actions for developing others in roles such as teacher, guide, counselor, manager, coach, or mentor, and it is not restricted to self-help. When personal development takes place in the context of  institutions , it refers to the methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems offered to support  positive adult development  at the individual level in  organizations . Improving  self-awareness Improving  self-knowledge Improving  skills  and/or learning new ones Building or renewing  ident


 Self beliefs Beliefs can be empowering or limiting! Negative beliefs prevent us from fulfilling our true potential, they hold us back, and create unhelpful thoughts and emotions. Empowering expectations, on the other hand, enable us to act resilient, trust in ourselves and develop positive thoughts and feelings.  Why does it matter?  Having a positive mindset helps us overcome many obstacles we face in life. Having beliefs is great part of life gives us a sense of reality. To be successful in life we got to believe in ourselves that is why it matters.  Beliefs start early  It starts from when you were young and you grow older with a sense of either positive or negative emotions towards what is in front of you. We each have personal beliefs about things in life. Common beliefs are:  I’m not good enough  I’m not clever  I’m not creative  I’m not good at anything.  Do you believe in yourself? The question is do you believe in your self? It comes down to how you believe in yourself everyd

How does the transformation happen?

 How does transformation happen?  Transformation happens by something that happens to you in life. I’m a living example that has experienced two traumatic events of suicides and abuse and you can overcome them with a different mindset and behaviour. This is why I use cognitive behavioural therapy because I was able to see it in a different perspective than I once did. That means my mindset has changed for the better. Knowledge plus experience makes you stronger equals transformation. Happiness depends on you.  Reflection points  Let’s take a moment and look at the emotionally charged event that happened to you recently. It may be something pleasant or something negative.  How did this event make you feel? Name the emotions. What did this event highlight about you as a person, your values, needs, wants, desires.  What did this event highlight about your character? How did this event change or influence you as a person?  You can this exercise what transformation what’ve had. So, what pos

How to change your life

 We are all on a journey so let’s look at ways we can do that mission of change to your life today. How to change your life  If you are feeling stuck that’s okay. Be gentle with yourself. Start with reflection- journaling is a good way to reflect on a lot of areas. Examine your values  Re-visit your goals and re-write them  Work the courage to change  Make the action happen! Get a coach  follow me on instagram  Keep checking in on yourself  Start with reflection  Journaling helps us to understand ourselves and our current situation and wheee we want to be in life. So, grab a journal start writing ask yourself questions and answer them honestly to yourself.  What’s not working with your values?  Let’s look at what is not working with your current values and are they worth keeping or not. So, what is working?  Family values? Maybe? 🤔  These are things we look at everyday. Re-visit and re-write your goals   Are the goals you had sti

Getting motivated

 Getting motivated  We all have that battle with being motivated and it can be hard unless we have the tools to helps us be motivated. Whether you’re aiming to improve your health, take more exercise or eating healthier meals, learning a new skill. Whatever it is you are trying to achieve it’s quite possible that dispite your good intentions, you just can’t seem to be motivated enough. You might think, it’ll take too long to achieve it or just negative mindset that is holding you back from it. Don’t listen to other people’s disapprovals this is your journey. There will always be challenges and obstacles in the way-stuck in negative, unhelpful thoughts. So how to get the motivation going? By thinking positive thoughts to start with…. Keep in mind the good reasons - motivation is about having a reason for wanting something and why is it important to you.  Short actions - just 5 minutes or 10 minutes or an hour every moment counts. Don’t wait until you are motivated just do it!  Set it up

Developing positive self-fulfilling prophecies to succeed

What is self fulfilling prophecy?  A self fulfilling prophecy is a belief or assumption that shapes how we act, resulting in that belief coming true. In other words, believing something is true makes you act like it is, and your actions make that belief a reality.  Being the main character of your story  You are the main character of your life story so who do you want to be in your story?  Positive life fulfilling prophecy  Self fulfilling prophecies are powerful. You can choose to be the author of your story, not character defined by a limiting prophecy. You don’t need to stay stuck. By understanding challenging negative expectations, you can find a path to success.  For me life coaching is my purpose in my life as I have had many negative experiences that have inspired me to help others achieve their goals and live a positive life. Retrain your mind and use self fulfilling prophecies to your advantage.  Negative prophecies  Anxiety can hinder your performance. Low expectations can le